3.5, United States/Canada

Running Scared

2006 / Wayne Kramer > This film is absolutely ridiculous—and that’s exactly why it works. Every style point you can think of in an action flick, whether from Guy Ritchie, Quentin Tarantino, David Fincher or Tony Scott, it’s all here. In fact, throw Paul Haggis into the mix, because the manipulation that goes into the plot is just short of the “genius” behind Crash. Thankfully (or I’m giving it too much credit), the film knows what it is and abuses it it. It doesn’t try to be more than that.

Kramer should essentially be credited for two things: First, utilizing eye candy in a functional manner, as many of the sequences actually had some rhyme and reason. And second, creating a movie for guys. In some ways, this DVD ought to complement Wedding Crashers in every frat house in the country.
