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Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

2007 / David Yates > I’m not a Harry Potter fanatic by any stretch of the imagination (i.e., I haven’t read the books), so I find watching these films an idle form of entertainment. In such, it’s hard for me to get riled up over them without understanding their long, literate histories (unlike my child-like giddiness towards Transformers). With Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, I do feel like I’ve missed out on a lot of the meat by not having read the books (and not refreshing my memories of the last four), but I did come out of the theatre feeling quite comfortable about Yates taking Harry into maturity.

The darkened atmosphere surrounding Harry is quite welcoming to the sense of the world’s impending battle between good and evil. Dolores Umbridge as well as Luna Lovegood add some fresh spices to the character pool, an act that Cho Chang (and that sad, pathetic kiss) absolutely fails at. Fundamentally, it’s not always even or even coherent to us non-readers, and admittedly I did feel by the end that not much had happened. Retrospectively, however, it can be noted that many of the simple events that occur during the film are indeed rather significant in the battle against He Who Must Not Be Named. For that, I would’ve actually liked the film to have been longer, with more depth.
