2006 / Sanaa Hamri > This is certainly not a film that was marketed properly: It’s not about African-Americans or simply race issues, but rather a fairly simple, somewhat superficial yet ultimately satisfying story about the hurdles of love (and life). Along with Prime, these are the types of films that Hollywood has lost interest in, films where the Humphrey&Ingrid-type chemistry helps you empathize with the characters and storyline even if you’re uninterested in the actual plot. The emotions evoked by the film are universal: Of misguided hearts, societal norms and family pressures.
Thankfully, first-time director Hamri does an excellent job in balancing style, substance and the manipulation that is so prevalent in romantic dramedies. Often, she utilizes cut-scenes to bring up a topic and then leads to an expository sequence. Surprisingly, instead of creating staccato pacing, it actually smooths out transitions and keep us glued. I do hope now that she builds on this first venture, and would love to see how she deals with a completely different topic.