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The Fountain

2006 / Darren Aronofsky > It’s pretty, and the music’s not bad either. But how much validity there is in Aronosky’s interpretation of love and death, I’m not sure. I found myself quite bored and annoyed at the lack of any real tangible concept in The Fountain. What Aronofsky’s trying to say is there at the tip of his tongue, but it never comes out as it should. Many have commented that the film is for the deeply intelligent thinker, but I would argue that they may be deluding themselves into believing a rather self-important piece of work that’s force-fed via the glowing face of Rachel Weisz and bald head of Hugh Jackman. While Aronofsky should be commended for standing by his labor of love, it does not excuse the film’s excesses. The remainder is filled with style, repetition and naive philosophies that fail to support the initial premise.
